Interview and Job Training Skills- how to prepare yourself

Interview and Job Training Skills- how to prepare yourself

If you want to ace your job interviews, prepare to face the world! Show the employer why you are the best suitable candidate for the position, and why you should get the job offer. However, it is not a cakewalk, as we all know…lots of preparation, sweat and toil is required to land the job that you have been seeking. At TI, we have etched this path to success with lot of painstaking research and able guidance from our mentors, who have been grooming prospective candidates for a long time. Here are a few tips which will definitely help you prepare in the correct way.   1. Do proper research about the Industry and Company: When you are planning to join a particular industry, do a thorough research on the company’s background, who their competitors are, what are its competitive advantages, and how it will go forward. Most importantly, work on the points which will stress how the company will benefit by recruiting you. However, do not research on many companies, because that will lead to confusion. Focus your search on a few industries but try to acquire in-depth knowledge about them. 2. Being Professional: This is of prime importance, as your appearance creates a lasting impression on the interviewer’s eyes. Remain respectful, confident and professional, smile a little ( not a pasted grin or an artificial one); yet appear calm and politely enthusiastic. Do not be nervous ( at least don’t show); things like tapping your fingers, wringing your fingers, or wagging your legs should be strictly avoided. At the same time, do not sit stiffly like a statue, even crossing arms is considered to be a defensive posture in the interview lingo. In a nutshell, try to be astute, intelligent yet candid as much as possible. 3. Highlight your USPs: What are your unique selling points and how can you match your highlights to what they want? Make sure you use plenty of examples as proof of your abilities. Show the interviewer that you can find the positives in your past experiences—this is not a time to complain about what you hated in your previous work situation(s). Focus on how this really is good/much more suitable for you. Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, such as what makes you the best candidate for the position. If an interviewer doesn’t consider that you are really a value-addition to the company, and you have the required skill sets to thrive in the job, he or she won’t give you the offer- no matter how good you are! 4. Prepare for common interview questions: Every interview will have some common, generalised questions which you are most likely to encounter. Pick a list, choose the ones which are most relevant for you ( For e.g.- whether you are a graduate/ post graduate/ working professional already; or looking for a summer internship). Then prepare for the answers so that when you face the actual interview, you sail through it without any hitch or fumbling. 5. The first impression is the last impression: Some studies indicate that interviewers make up their minds about candidates in the first five minutes of an interview, and then spend the rest of the time just trying to reconfirm his/her decision. So it is evident that the first impression is the most crucial one, and you should come across as someone who has the right amount of energy and enthusiasm. Do not forget to express your appreciation for giving you the time for taking the interview. Always start with a positive comment about the company…for e.g., ” I have been really looking forward to working in your esteemed organisation”; or ” I am really excited by the prospect of being able to contribute to a company of such stature”…etc. 6. Be persistent and assertive while you are at it: Many candidates try to be very polite at the interview, and for doing that they become overtly passive. But politeness is not equal to passivity. You should never give the impression that the interviewer is doing a huge favour by asking you some questions. At the same time, make sure that by the end of the interview he/she knows your strengths and your key selling points. 7. Keep appearing for interviews: The more you appear for interviews, the better you will become at it. Do not get discouraged. It is unlikely that your first interview will lead to your dream job, but that does not mean you should lower your standards after the third interview. Keep aiming for what is realistic for your goals and background, and you will eventually find what you are looking for. 8. Be ready to face inappropriate and improper questions : Sometimes, an interviewer might be in a wrong frame of mind, and he/she might embarrass or heckle you by asking questions about your race, age, gender, religion, marital status or even your sexual orientation- which are inapt and in many areas illegal. However, you cannot show your disappointment, anger nor can you appear flustered by such questions. You can simply answer by saying ” I am unable to understand how that is relevant to my job application or my position” and proceed to the next one. 9. Be savvy during phone and Skype interviews: If it is a phone interview, it’s usually with a PR person who knows very little about the position and technical terms related to a specific job. Make sure to use keywords and buzzwords while answering questions because you are trying to paint a picture with words since the interviewer has no visual clues of you. The Skype interview is becoming increasingly popular now, and has been a great way for employers to reject candidates who are not fit during the first or second round of interviews. So, find a place with good lighting and a simple professional background, dress up and groom properly, and test your camera and microphone beforehand to make sure you are ready for the interview. Treat it in the same way you would have faced a personal interview, and not over the computer. 10. Think positive and always end on a positive note: Whether it is your first interview, or the fifth one- never give the impression of being a complainer or dwell on any negative experiences during the whole process. Try to radiate confidence, warmth and positive vibes, tell the interviewer how excited you are to get a call for the ob which you really wanted to do, and even more excited now, as you are convinced you are going to work here! This will surely work in your favour and in case two candidates are chosen for the final selection, the interviewer will think you are more likely to accept the offer, and so will make the offer to you only. 11. Bring a copy of the resume to every interview : Always carry a copy of your CV when you go for the interview, even though you were shortlisted on the basis of your resume. If by any chance the interviewer has misplaced his or her copy, you will save a lot of time by presenting another one and earn extra brownie points on that note! 12. Speak the right body language and send a good thank-you note : As a candidate, it is of prime importance that you dress according to the occasion, give a firm handshake, have a good posture, speak clearly and distinctly and do not wear any strong perfume or cologne! After all, you want the interviewer to assess your expertise and pay attention to your job qualification, and not get distracted by your appearance. Always send a nice thank-you note after every interview. Type them on paper or send a mail, depending on the interviewer’s preference. This goes a long way in paving the path for a lasting impression of you on his/her mind.   If you follow these points you are sure to ace the interview with flying colours! At TI, we are there to guide you and show you the effective ways of getting a coveted job. We have trainers and mentors who are the best in the industry in their respective fields. From best practices on how to write a resume to proper interview tips, from social media posts to networking sites, we will streamline the information that matters to you and channelise you in the right direction. Whether you are a fresh graduate or a veteran, experienced professional, TI is the place for career success.

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